Caisse Desjardins de Charlesbourg – Henri-Bourassa location

After entrusting Hectare with the construction and property management of two new service centres, the Caisse Desjardins de Charlesbourg commissioned the construction of a third building, which now sits at the intersection of Henri‑Bourassa Boulevard and Val‑d’Oise Street.

Working again in collaboration with DG3A architectes, it was exciting to create a design that fit into the image of transparency of the Caisse brand. A wide atrium on two levels, coloured glass, a terrace for employees: everything was thought out in a way that would help the Caisse assist clientele through their financial life cycle in a friendly and inviting atmosphere!


Personalized service centres open onto the world, as imagined by Caisse Desjardins de Charlesbourg.

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